Next meeting: Wednesday 14 June, 2023 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Challenge coins are great souvenirs and versatile, enticing keepsakes. Since the early 1930s, challenge coins have been used to promote friendships, strengthen bonds, and encourage success. For nearly a century, military personnel have created personalized challenge coins and used them to raise awareness and funds, educate the public about pressing issues, and honor exceptional individuals within a unit in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.
Late in the spring of 2011, the Northern Virginia Council board of directors voted to have a customized challenge coin produced for the Council. Several drafts of both sides of the coin were reviewed, and the winning design is shown above.
We received our shipment of the coins in mid-September.
The Navy League logo was copied intact.
The result is a bright "blue & gold" coin you will be proud to own.
Its diameter is 1.75 inches, solid metal -- designed to last.
NOVA Council is selling the coins for just $2.00 above cost, and any profit we realize will go towards the John Camp Memorial Scholarship Fund or to help fund monetary awards for members of our adopted ships and units.
Thank you for your donation!